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stiff back.
The officers of our unit are very much disliked; they treat the men very much like dogs, so much so that several times they have been counted out. Take for instance a conscientious man, who does his work well but, for some unknown reason, is not in the good books of his officer. This man may be had up for a petty offence of which he is practically innocent. He goes before the O.C. but gets no satisfaction from him, so asks to see the Colonel. Well, before this man sees the Colonel, his O.C. does, and tells the Colonel that he does not want the man, or something of the sort, so that long before the man is tried his punishment is fixed. There is absolutely no fairness whatever, and the heads win every time.
On Thursday night, 3/5/17, at 11.30 I was awakened and told to stand ready with our gas masks as Fritz was sending some over.
Friday morning took a water cart and provisions up to the guns. On way back, a couple of shells landed about 10 yds. away. Pieces of dirt fell all over us and the mules bolted all the way back with fright. We were just going over a rise at the time, and must have been observed by Fritz, who is a fairly good shot.
On Saturday, 5/5/17, we moved our camp to other side of wood, as we were too near some 12" guns.
On Tuesday, 8/5/17, took water cart to guns.
Friday, 11/5/17, Fritz shelled wood all day, and I saw