Arthur Charles Hall war diary, 21 December 1916 - 24 June 1919 - Page 32

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1st Jan.1919
And the New year in, Got home at 1.15 am.
The place is quiet today. No trains or busses running and all shops closed. Went to a whist drive in the evening.
2nd Jan 1919
Caught the 10 am train back to London and arrived about 9 pm. The King is out of town so am returning to France.
3rd Jan
Went to P.O. for mail and spent the evening with the Shellshears.
4th Jan
Caught the train from Victoria at 6am and crossed from Dover to Boulogne on a hospital ship and went to One Blanket Hill for the night.
5th Jan
Reveille at 5 am and entrained about seven and started at twelve and spent the rest of the day in the train
6th Jan
Got off the train at 6 am at Rusmes and got another back to Soman.
, Walked eight kilos to Bpehain and got a train to Cambrai, saw the R.T.O. and got a train back to Soman
7th Jan
Caught a train at 5 am and arrrived at Charleroi at 1 pm and went to Corps Rest Camp.
8th Jan
Got a lorry to Beaumont Abbey 26 kilos and another from there nearly to Livry where I joined the Batt.
Moved about eight kilos and a place called Johs St Gary.
On guard today and the platoon moved to fresh billets
4th and 5th Feb.
Leave to Charleroi
Moved back to billets in Savery

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