Item 02: Kenneth Binnie war diary, 29 December 1916 - 31 December 1917 - Page 83

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[Page 83]

Thursday, 1 March 1917

Fine & sunny. Cleaning harness all day. We had to turn out at 6.30 pm & go down to the old 27th position in "Houplines" & draw ammunition and take it to our right section & then get another load & take it to the centre section. Got back at 3 AM.   Saw a very smart bit of work at the waggon lines in afternoon.   A Hun plane got into a cloud coming over our way & hung in it till he got over our stables, & then he dived out & went for an observation balloon close bye with his machine gun. He missed it first go & came back again but missed it again. The men came down in parachutes & landed in our gun park.   He was only about 700 ft up

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