Letters to Mrs R. H. Caldwell, from her son Robert Douglas Caldwell and other soldiers, 1917-1919 - Page 69

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[Page 69]

deal to do 12 miles with full pack & rifle on but it is easy enough to do when one gets a bit fit. When doing a big march the chief strain comes on the feet & sometimes on the muscles of the legs, one good thing the roads are all very good about here. I have just nocks off this letter to have a feed of steak & onions which we get at the canteen & we enjoy it properly too as we get so little meat during the day. I have been stony broke this week on account of having to send some money away for photos but as Ken has a few bob I have been able to get my nightly supper. I have about £8 due to me in my pay book but can't get it as they wont pay us more than 30/- per fortnight but if we get any more leave we will have something to fall back on. You had better

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