[Page 28]
Mosetig battist, 6 yds.
Christies tissue, 6 yds.
Catgut ligature, 3 spools
Silkworm gut, 1 tube (50)
Horse hair, 1/8 hank
Soloids sod. chlor., 12
Hyd. perchlor., 500 Soloids
Hydrogen peroxide, 2 lbs.
Acid Carbolic, 1 lb.
Adhesive plaster, 2 in. 1 spool
Adhesive plaster, 1 spool
Picric acid dressings, 20
Lysol, 1 lb.
The above list is as near as it is possible to estimate. The most useful anti-septics were found to be hydrarg perchlor., iodine and alcohol, with hydrogen peroxide a most useful cleanser of foul wounds.
I have the honor to be,
Your obedient Servant,
Leonard Darby, M.B., Ch.B., S.M.O.
Surgeon, R.A.N.
The Commanding Officer
H.M.A.S. Sydney
[Transcribed by Judy Gimbert for the State Library of New South Wales]