Leonard Darby - Sydney-Emden Engagement 9th November, 1914. Report of Surgeon L. Darby, R.A.N. - Page 3

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He was in great agony, and I gave morphia, and ordered Mullins S.B.S., to attend to the wounds and quickly apply a splint, as by this time a constant stream of wounded men, who required urgent attention was being brought below. The second case was "B", A.B., R.A.N., shot through the chest and bleeding freely, with the apex of the heart beating through a hole in the chest, loud inrush of air through the wounds & marked air hunger. Pads were rapidly applied to the wounds with tight bandages and a large dose of morphia was given.

Before this case was attended to "C", A.B., R.A.N., was brought down. He had various shell wounds in the right leg, thigh, and buttock, and his right eye had been pierced at the same time by a small fragment of shell. "D", P.O., R.N., & "E" A.B., R.A.N., were carried below immediately after. These latter two were very badly wounded, and the former was in terrible agony. He had been shot through the abdomen left hypogastric area, the fragment emerging in the right lumbar region, leaving 8 inches of omentum hanging out of the wound. Besides this, patient was burnt from head to foot. "E" was shot through the base of the heart and soon died. I hurriedly administered large doses of morphia and attended to first dressings. Meantime two more men, "F", A.B., R.A.N., & "G" Ord. Sea., R.A.N., had been brought down, & all available space near my station was taken up, so I gave orders to the stretcher party, some of whom had arrived to give first aid assistance, to convey the wounded who were temporarily dressed to the ward room, and place them on beds and

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