Item 02: Kenneth Binnie war diary, 29 December 1916 - 31 December 1917 - Page 180

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[Page 180]

Wednesday, 6 June 1917

Fine & hot. Working round the gun in morning getting amunition ect. into the pits. Fritz started lobbing them round pits in afternoon & we had to clear out.   He lobbed them all round where we were, & seemed to follow us wherever we went. He lobbed one near Warren Hogarth &  wounded him in head & leg.   Poor Warren has to go away & he does not like it. I am glad for his sake, but the battery loses the best man in it. Stimson was killed by same shell & Carver & Shepherd got shell shock. The big stunt starts tonight & everybody is glad. Lets hope all goes off all right & that there are very few casualties.   In case anything happens

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