State Library of NSW
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Sun. Jan.19Another wet, miserable day. It's enough to drive a man to drink. I intended to go into Weymouth today but it's out of the question. After Dinner wrote letter no 3 to M.S.Mon.20 Another Boat Roll out & I'm not on it, yet there are numbers of A class now getting Home, & some of 'em haven't even been to France. It is raining again. We ought to soon be used to it.Tues. 21. It is trying very hard to keep fine. There's not much to write about.Dry Hash & stew appear at Dinner time with unfailing regularity. Wed.22. "Lippy" & McDonald are both retruned from Leave, & now we have quite an imposing staff in the Q.M. store. After tea I went iinto Weymouth to get my pants from the Tailors & found the shops all closed so had to return without 'em.Thur.23. Archie Reed came to see me today. He is employed on the Education Staff at Monte Video. Got my Diary from Ms Sam & letter from Ibby.Thur. Jan.23 (cont.)They also sent me a pair of Braces & a Tie towards my "Civvy" outfit Ibby informs me that he is demobilised & back at Business. Lucky Beggar. After tea went into Weymouth again. Got my pants went out to Westham. Saw Serg. Travill who informed me that I was on a Boat Roll whih made me feel inclined to give 3 hearty cheers. Glorious news for my next letter to B.E. The weather is good. Very cold & frosty & dry.Fri. 24. Nothing exciting happened. Stew turned up for Dinner again, & rain is not far off. Wrote a few lines to Mr Playford.Sat.25 Cold day & drizzling Rain. Had quite a busy morning pulling Hut 14 into shape for Stocktaking. A number of Returned Prisoners came into our Hut today. They were in Germany a year & say they received very rough treatment. Many of them died from starvation & they say it is surprising to see how well the Huns are treated in England.
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