Item 14: Letters from 'Stuart' to Mrs John Robertson, 1917 - Page 4

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[Page 4]

I have been told by our bank that we go out to India to releave men out there who have not been to the front. So one should have rather a good time unless one suddenly finds meself in Mespots. [Mesopotamia ?] & even that is a lot better than it used to be.

Met Libby & Mrs. Hordern in the street some time ago, he was home on sick leave after a fairly long spell in France.

Heard from Kitty, she is engaged to some engineer chap & seems rather happy about it as I don't think her home life was very exciting.

Will now close with best wishes to all. Graham must be one of lads of the village by this time.

Yours sincerely

We have had no air mail for about 2 months.

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