Box 6 Item 03: Edith S. Thistlethwaite letters, 1914-1918 - Page 5

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[Page 5]

Nurses Rest Home.

My dearest Belle,

You will be pleased to hear that I quite well now, am returning to Heliopolis to-night to resume work to-morrow.

I'm feeling splendid and looking better than I have done so since I left home.

The weather is delightful and I've had a ripping holiday. My little Manchester friend turned up the other day and we've had a bonser time together. He poor little chap has been wounded again & had disentery too. He is on light duties here but has to be boarded for England, he has got terribly thin. His wound are healed, he got two this time but fortunately not serious ones. His nerves have gone too, so he requires a spell. I was out with him Friday nearly all day & yesterday evening. I had a glorious time yesterday – Went to the hospital to see Sister Nott; (sick-sister) got back in time for luncheon – had a little rest then went for a lovely spin in a side-car (motor-bike) with Captain Combes (ex-patient)

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