State Library of NSW
[Page 35]
celebrated in the Colonel's Office. Only we two woman, The Col. & about three other men.
I have spent most of my time in the Officers Hospital to-day – have seven now, so one of us will have to be there always.
The was an Evening Service in our dining room at 7.30 p.m. and quite a number were there. Had a little hand organ – I heard the end of the service, while at our dinner in another room. Nearly all our Medical Officers were there & it sound so nice to here all the men's voices – some of the Orderlies were there too – I should think there were some fine voices amongst them.
We are expecting the other sisters on Tuesday – hope they come. I was late for dinner this evening. It is a rush to get done at times. The minister (Padre) is a great old chap & seems to be very popular. Must stop now am deadly sleepy. Fondest love & kisses to you all. Hope to get a letter from home in a few days.
From your loving sister,Edith
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