State Library of NSW
[Page 24]
is simply charming. Am more than ever in love with this old, dirty place.
The atmosphere is so clear & the sunsets & sunrise are too grand for me to explain. Dorothy & I have a lovely view from our window of the Pyramids & The Citadel and an eminence camp on the Desert. The whole place is simply packed with Military people.
No doubt you will be surprised to know that George & Norman called to see me last night. It was a great surprise, but I was on duty until 8 p.m. and then I had another engagement.
Anyhow we talked for a few minutes poor old Norman, looked very tired he had travelled a long way to come to see George & I, and was returning this morning by the 7 a.m. train, he does not know when he will be able to get up again. He brought me a lovely present, a nice little camera a No. 2 Brownie
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