Item 01: Alan Fraser Fry postcards, ca. 1900-1916 - Page 22

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[Page 22]

On Active Service
No stamps available
Malta 27th Sep. 15:

Dear Alan.
Thanks very much indeed for your kindness in sending papers. You hit it right, we did want the news of the Dr. McG. fight. You are lucky to have seen it. Don't be in any hurry. You make the greatest mistake in your life to think you are cured too soon. I've seen too much of Malaria amongst the wounded here to have any faith in fast cures. Thats advice. Dont worry about the Dardanelles, they wont be taken while we are alive, thanks to English bungling. Poor old Rollie R. & Uncle Jim. I was awfully upset when I found out in Egypt. Saw Cairns in Alex. he is slightly wounded.


Private A. Fry.
c/o Northcote Road.
Lindfield. N.S.W.

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