Mary Jane Cain - Page 19

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[Page 19]

After this Bomera Station changed hands
a good many time I cannot think what
the later hands names are. There was an
old man taken a way by the name of
Joe Budsworth & an old man Sam
Freeman both those men were very feeble
but being such faithfully servants &
Mr Towns being so kind hearted it
was his wishes for them to go to Windsor his home.

Oakey Creek not far from Bomera & Bando
were owned by two brothers William & Mathew Allison.
Mathew Allison was a carpenter by trade &
William was a squatter. In 57 & 58 they sold
Bando Station to some brothers by the name
of White. They came from Eden Lassie on
the Hunter River those people also bought two
other places near here Calga & Terridgerie.
it fails me to remember who owned the two
last places mentioned at that time.
Allison Brothers the rented their Oakey
property to another Mr James Allison
not any relation. Mathew & William
Allison & a Mr Downie took up another
station Wingadee after some years they sold
Wingadee & returned to Oakey Creek & sold
the Oakey Creek property to this Mr James
Allison for a good substantial some. The two
Allison brothers William & Mathew then
went home to Scotland, Downie being an
Irishman he went home to Ireland. Mr James
Allison lived on Oakey Creek until his death
his wife died there also & the property is
still belong to a Mr James Allison his son
who owns Coomoo Coommoo another large & valuable



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