Item 01: Leonard V. Bartlett diary, 3 April 1915-31 December 1915 - Page 50

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[Page 50]

Mon. 23 August 1915
Excepted to go back to trenches today but didn't. Oscar Keyte moved into my dug out. We managed to get a decent meal at night. Very windy all day. A touch of diarrohea today, feelg. passably well.

Tues. 24 August 1915
Told the Doc. that I could go back, so I went with Keyte at 3 p.m. Learn that my papers were sent back also lres. & parcel. Cheerful feelg. very grimy. Padre comes down with yarn about Greece declrg. war & battle in Black Sea. Posted ordy. P.C. to Alb.

Wed. 25 August 1915
Managed to get a good wash all over down at A.M.C. Feel clean & good. Bn. came out of trenches & I joined up.

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