Item 01: Leonard V. Bartlett diary, 3 April 1915-31 December 1915 - Page 49

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[Page 49]

Fri. 20 August 1915
Lookg. on condition of blankets & general dug-out we exist in. I'm satisfied that the second line of A.M.C. is disgustg. & kept atrocious. Still feelg. lousy. Went over to Indian Camp in eveng. & got some chapadies (?) which went down well with marmalade. Slept outside but still have intruders!

Sat. 21 August 1915
Got up feelg. exceptionally dirty & also something else. Havn't washed for weeks & feel absolutely disgustg. My hands are grimy even. Won't I have someth'g to say about the A.M.C. when I get back! P.Cs. to Ede, Mater, Ray & Alb. All the others go to Mudros except me.

Sun. 22 August 1915
Shaved & wrote lre. to Ede wch. I did not post as I am waiting for a green envelope. Called on Indians & had a feed of curry & chapadies. Fifth Bde. being doing good work on left.

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