Item 01: Leonard V. Bartlett diary, 3 April 1915-31 December 1915 - Page 4

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Wed. 7 April 1915
Reached Lemnos at 8 a.m. Resembles Albany Harbour slightly. A boom across the entrance & patrolled by Eng. & French Destroyers. Queen Elizabeth in harbour & also the "Canopus". Many rumours about re Bulgaria joing. the Germans. Dull weather gone & quite decent day. Grub rotten. Wrote to Ede re her crew.

Thur. 8 April 1915
Usual parades. Royal Naval Air Service arrived in the aftrnn. I had quite an intrstg. chat with one of thr. Sigs. Pay issues to some of the Bn. – 2/15/- & 3/15/- to Noncoms. Bde. Hq. ship attached itself to ours. Hope we don't stay here very long. The grub is putrid & time is very monotonous.

Fri. 9 April 1915
Saw waterplane in morng. More ships arrived. Our fellows had a swim alongside. Many, many, rumours. Was paid £3. Approached a steward re some decent tucker. Usual parades. Sig. Co. take over Bridge work.

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