Item 01: Leonard V. Bartlett diary, 3 April 1915-31 December 1915 - Page 72

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Thur. 28 October 1915
Princess's Birthday
Still in harbour, spendg. a so-so time on board. Weather still rough wch. is probably the cause of us stoppg. Saw Montague in eveng. & we had cocoa together. Managed a feed off the saloon pantry later.

Fri. 29 October 1915
Still in harbour & took on more rations wch. dosn't look very promisg. Gettg. completely fed up. Monty came down to lunch & we had a pleasant little feed. Left Lemnos at 1.15 p.m. & reached Anzac at dusk & disembkd. later.

Sat. 30 October 1915
Got some sleep early this morng. after an awful march out to the right. Anzac is muchly altered since I was last here. Wolff & Parsons turned up & as usual I get a dugout on my own. On from 2000 to 2400. Slept but little. Mice!

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