Item 01: Leonard V. Bartlett diary, 3 April 1915-31 December 1915 - Page 59

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[Page 59]

Sun. 19 September 1915
Church Parade at 0830 & inspn. – by Brigadier (Col. Cass) after. New shirts issued & towel & trunks. A Bathe in sea after Parade & change into clean clothes. First time for 5 MONTHS. Read in aftrn. & rested muchly. Read in eveng.

Mon. 20 September 1915
Mail in & one from Rodd & two from Ede with photos. Posted lre. to Prington. Begin signallg. instron. & rifle drill for 2 hrs. – 9-11. Very windy. Went to village with Sol in afrn. & bought mellon & sardines.

Tues. 21 September 1915
Signallg. instron. very dry & uninterested. Went for swim in morng., pretty cold. Posted lre. to Ede, Buck & F.S. P.C. to Ray & Alb. Allen made a deal in butter & it went down well. Paid 10/-.

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