'A List of living Plants on Board the Royal Admiral', 1795 (Series 16.12) - No. 0003

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2  - Plants  Wampee  china Name
2  -  do - Arum  sp
6  -  Siphonanthus indica
4  -  Bocoli, or Mimusops Rakii

Plants raised from Seed or otherwise increased on board
Aschynomena  grandiflor​​​a
Androgenous   Plant very Beautiful
Artocarpus integrifolia
Banisteria Bengalhensis
Cerbena Manghes
Callophyllum  inophyllum
Croton tapa
Eugenia alba
Grewia asiatica
Hibiscus tiliaceus
Limonium [indecipherable]
Myrtus  litteralis
Mangifera indica
Mespilus Japonica
Mimecylon capitellatum
Phylanthus  sepium  
Piper betle
Poinciana pulcherrima
Santalum album
Tamarindus indica
Siphonanthus indica  - a beautiful Creeper from Bengal

Plants collected at Ceylon from August 12th to Sept 1. 1795
3 -  Plants  Amaryllis  sp.
3 --------- [indecipherable] sp.
3  - [Mem ceylon?]  capitillatum
1 -  Phyllanthus sepium

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