State Library of NSW
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coils to which my dear wife and children are exposed. The almighty will I trust in his goodness protect them. I had hoped that having come out to this country under your auspicses that your name Sir would have been a protection to me. But on the contrary it has only served to increase the virulence of my persecutors. I am confident had Governor Bligh continued His authority he would have made the situation of my family more comfortable than it had hitherto been. And not only my family, but every [deserving?] and industrious family in the Colony. I sincerely hope that Sir Joseph and Lady Banks, also Miss Banks Mrs Aufrere and all your worthy family are in good health.
I am Sir, with respect, your obedient humble servant
George Suttor
Sydney Jail Feb 15 1809 PS The settlers and cultivators who are generally warmly attached to Governor Bligh and look upon him as their father and benefactor, and who have in consequence fallen under the displeasure of those have assumed the government, have mostly lost their men, and other indulgences, and will not be able to cultivate their land, the consequence of this will be I am afraid a famine, the most [indecipherable] of all evils - I sincerely hope Sir Joseph enjoys better health I was much concerned to hear of his [indecipherable] illness
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