Letter received by William Balmain from Philip Gidley King, 30 June 1802 (Series 23.04) - No. 0001

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Sydney June 30th 1802


It being necessary for the Completion of the Commissarys Accounts that you should furnish him with a Quarterly account of the particular Expenditure of such articles as you may receive [from?] him for the use of the General & detached Hospitals. That he may include the required Disbursement in his Accounts
to prevent your having the trouble & Expence attending of being called in to pass passing an account with the Commissioners for Auditing publick accounts for the Expenditure of each Article as you may receive [from?] His Majestys Stores as [indecipherable] stated.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedt
Hble Servt.

W Balmain Esq
principal Surgeon
New S Wales 

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