State Library of NSW
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Sir Joseph,
According to your request I have send you the account of the expence of bringing the plants down, which from London to delivering them to the ship amounts to £1-7-5.
I do not imagine that while I am in New South Wales, I shall not want any wearing apparel, except shoes, which I have just now wrote home about. I have not wished for them to be made at the present, and sent up to London, but about the time of next Michaelmas.
As the Ship has been detained to [too] Long, I had plenty of time for to have bespoke them, and took them with me, but as the Ship is pretty well thronged, and I having as many articles as I can well look after, and not wanting any shoes for some time, I thought it best to act as I have above stated.
I am Sir with the greatest respect your humble and obedient Servant
G. Caley
May 18th 1799.
May 19.
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