Draft of a letter received by George Caley from Banks, 27August 1798 (Series 18.011) - No. 0002

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if you have need for discovering articles of trade it is natural that the prospects of the articles of that discoverd, should be for the benefit of your Employers the public respecting this matter however your bargain must be made with other people not with me.

you seem to have so good an opinion of the value of your own abilities as to think that I ought to demand of government to send you out, suppose I was to agree to this opinion of yours & a Competent salary was to be allowd to you pray tell me what you could propose to do for your employers in Return. The public if they pay you a Salary will expect some returns for it. Let me know your opinion fully on this need & I shall be the better able to Judge what my Conduct to you in Future ought to be.

S. S. [Soho Square] Augt. 27 


(Banks to Caley)

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