State Library of NSW
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Mr D has been right in informing you that you cannot be sent out to NSW as a collector for the King's Garden for as you are not acquainted with the Plants fro of that country that are already in the gardens, it is not impossible for you to destinguish those that are not in order to send them home new Plants & leave those already known sent home behind a knowledge indispensibly necessary for a botanic Collector.
That you are by nature eminently Quallified for a Collector I readily admit but I must also say that you estimate rate the value of your own abilities far higher than I can estimate them.
as you think that I have used you ill I readily agree that you have a natural right to say so & you have said so more roughfly perhaps than Either prudence or civility may would have credeted to you. I do not like you the worse however mean to Quarrell with you for that, but I do say that after your having refused by refusing to make yourself capable of travelling as a Collector for Kew Garden you renderd it impossible for me to send you out in that Capacity, the only one for which I have it in my own power to Commend pursue on appointment by Government.
if it should be thought expedient at this time to send out a person to explore furtherly with a salary from Government for such objects of natural history as are likely to be usefull to Trade & the terms of which an the appointment be such as you Choose to accept I shall recommend you but I must tell you that such a person in that Capacity must be put under more Comptroll I do not than I think you seem inclind to submit to, had you travelld as a botanic Collector nothing would have been requird of you but seeds & Plants for the garden all discoveries of drugs or usefull articles would have been your own Property in the other Case
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