Invoice received by Banks from James Blake, hosier & haberdasher, 9 July 1772 (Series 06.029) - No. 0001

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Ribbons        Mr. Banks London July 9 1772

[Printed letterhead]

Bought of Jas Blake 
Hosier & Haberdasher
At the Woolpack & Peacock the upper End of
Broad Street Carnaby Market
Who Sells all kind of Baizes, Flannels, &c. &c. 

3 Pieces brod figd Ribn ....... 22/6 .....3..7..6
26 yds..... Dº ..........................7½...... 0.16.3
16 Colrd silk [indecipherable] ...4/3....3. 8.0
3 Cold silk [indecipherable] ...... 4./3.....12-9

Recd July.10.1772 The Contents in full of all Demands
James Blake

Mr. Banks new Burlington Street

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