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that, I was under a necessity of solliciting leave to return to Europe, which I obtained, and Arrived in Lisbon in June 1769. The effects of the Voyage and change of Air, were such, that I was soon in a capacity to Return to my Reg:t [regiment] & my duty; but as I had reason to fear a Relapse if I went back to Brasil, I sollicited admission into some other corps stationed within the Kingdon, but did not succeed. I then declared my Readiness to return to my former Reg:t [regiment], but as that was impracticable without money, both for the discharge of debts I had contracted in Lisbon, and the payment of my passage; I sollicited, at the same time, an order for my pay, from the time when I left the Reg:t My title to which appeared incontestibly from the Vice Roys' written Leave of absence, and other certificates, and authentic documents annexed, which I prodced to the Marqc De Alvito, Genl of the Army, who kept, and still retains them, but this Sollicitation, notwithstanding the number of petitions I presented, and the most assiduous attendance, proved equally, fruitless. I then, as the last Resource, Petitioned for my demission from the Service; which, I have reason to think, would have been more readily granted, had not my necessities, and indeed my honour, rendered it impossible for me to avoid clogging it