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Lincolnshire Legsby
January 13th. 1772
Having heared of Your going Abroad. I having a Great Desire to Go Along with You. Which to Effect the Case of my own behalf, by Applying to You at Your house at Reasby. But finding my self frusterated in my Case, or dissign, by finding You was not at home I was like to make my Case known to Some of the Servants, Especially to that Servant thats to Go Along with You; But I was Sorry to here him say that he Believed that You had Got all that you Intended to Take Along with You. For I have A Great Inclination for the Sea Especially to go along with You. If You should Think Me worth your acceptance. If not I Should Take it as a Very Great favour to Make My Case known to Some East Indian or Other. And Since I have taken Upon me to Speak my mind In these few Lines, hoping you would not think it Presumtious in my Prodigality, to tell You that I am Qualified for the sea. Although I know and Understand the Theoretical, as well as the, Practical Part of Most Mathematical Learning, Particular Navigation The Which I have made it my Principal Studdy. The Which I should be Glad to Serve You in helping to conduct the ship or any other Business that you should think proper and capable to be intrusted with that is preformed by the Act of the Mathematicks or (Philosophy) with these proposials I should be Proud to serve you at Any Reasonable Benefit. however I Will Leave all to Your Generosity
(Tryal [indecipherable] being the Best way to know the power and Strength of my Geneous) from the above which I should be Glad to know your proposial by way of Answer. As soon As possible.
The rest I trust to your Goodness and Generosity, Which I Rest Your Most Humble Servant William Cooke
NB When you send your Letter Direct it to Legsby near Market Raisin (Lincolnshire)
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