Draught of instructions for Mr Menzies', 20 February 1791 (Series 61.04) - No. 0003

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of Opening & Packing them Carefully when Fully dry in Paper Packages carefully seald up send them home by every opportunity that occurs for his Majesties use

9th All the seeds of plants & the Living Plants you shall collect in your voyage you are to consider as wholly & entirely the Property of his Majesty & you are not on any account whatever to part with any seeds Plants cuttings slips or parts of Plants for any purpose whatever but his Majesties use

10th In all your excursions on shore you are to examine with attention the Beds of Brooks & Torrents & all the other Places where the natural state of the earth are laid Bare by water or otherwise & wherever you meet with minerals that bear the appearance of ores of metals, coal or limestone or any other thing likely in your opinion to be usefull you are to collect & Preserve specimens of them carefully noting the exact places in which Each was Found, you are also to search for similar substances among the Pebbles & Sand brought down by Brooks or Rivers from the inland Country & if you suspect items to contain even the most minute

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