Letter of application to join Pacific voyage, received by Banks from Edward Williams, ca 1771 (Series 06.192) - No. 0001

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Permit a youth near 20 well brought up of a liberal Education, to tend his service to Mr. Banks to the South seas [if unprovided?] as Clerk, or in any station he may be found capable off being possess'd with very particular Talents for Poetry and Mechanical Powers, and willing to improve by experience and speculation, the latter of which is haveing invented a [price?] for very public Utility, (and was he encourag'd could more) but detain'd  through considerable losses from putting any thing in execution, Viz. the death of his ​friends​ relations, great oppressions from those which profess themselves friends, therefore if not soon protected by some kind hand, ruin must [come?], and ever non existance follow.       

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