State Library of NSW
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oN Board his Magestes ship Barfleur Janery ye 8 1771
Sir I shall be very Glad if your honnour Will be pleased to grant me this small Request and I hope your honnour will Escques me for making so bold as to wrie to your Honnour but that I hear your honnour and mr sillander is a going out upon Discovers and shold be very glad of having the Pleasure of going with your honnour for I am on Board of the Barfleur. I was a going out in the Endeavour But was taken sick and was sent on shore to the hospitall But thank the almighty god I heave got the Better of my Eleness sir I shall Take it as great favour and shall be Bound to Pray for your honnour all the Days of my Life so No More at Present from your humble servent to Command Edward Turrell.
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