Letter received by Daniel Solander from John Smith, 22 January 1772 (Series 06.184) - No. 0002

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Characters & qualifications may be found accepetable. I shall be glad to go - as to Money I have none, if that is a necessary Article I must content Myself where I am; if Sobriety, Care & industry be a sufficient recommendation, I Doubt not but I shall go - Botany is a Science I am very fond of & whatever may be committed to any care, I shall do the utmost in my pow'r to give satisfaction - If You take us with You, in all probability You will save a sinking Family from ruin & confer the most lasting Obligation Sir Your most Obedt. Hum.le Ser.t
John Smith

Newport Isle of Wight
Janry 22d 1772. -

P.S. - Your immediate Answer will be esteemd, as the greatest favour, it will be an act of Charity by relieving any Suspense - please to direct to me at the Green Dragon Newport Isle of Wight.

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