Letter of application received by Banks from G. Cook, 23 February 1801 (Series 63.34) - No. 0003

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[Page 3]

[In Sir Joseph Banks' handwriting]
Sir Jos. Banks presents his Compt  to Mr C & troubles him with this Letter to acquaint him that the Rate of the Ship intended for Discovery is far below the Rate for which a Chaplain is allowd by the Rules of the Navy, Sir Jos is much obligd to Mr C for the his Present he has been so good as to  of his works & presumes himself much pleasure from the Perusal of them as he never doubts they do honor to the Muses of Cambridge

[returns to handwriting of previous 2 pages]
Might the writer be indulged to trespass on Sir Joseph's important moments a little moment longer, he wd request the favor of an early answer to this presumptuous and not less troublesome epistle.

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