Copy of instructions for natural science investigation, ca January 1801 (Series 63.19) - No. 0006

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Calcareous Mountains too discharge their collected waters from a few situations at their bases, usually at no great distance from the sea & generally on a level with it.  Volcanic Countries are still more destitute of Springs of potable water than even Calcareous.

On a nearer view of the Strata of Mountains other characters occur, which point out the nature & value of their contents & the utility of farther [further] research.

Some for instance are metalliferous & others not.

There are some which are observd [observed] to contain only a limited number of the known Metallic substances & there are some Metallic substances which are found in certain strata only.

Precious stones too are probably generated in some peculiar Rocks, of which in some instances they are known to form a constituent part.

We ma add to these observations that certain strata point out in an infallible manner the vicinity of Coal Rock Salk Alum & other valuable mineral substances.

Nevertheless the Strata which are productive of Metals are by no means in every situation of the Globe equally metalliferous, Granit [granite] for instance & calcareous strata are generally destitute of Metallic contents.

Again, the more recently formed strata seldom contain the noble metals, unless it be in an alluvial state, which is the result of accident.

As for the value of a newly discoverd [discovered] Country abounding in Metals or previous stones, that will depend upon the facility of Colonization, upon the favorable circumstances of the ground in respect to Mining labour & Machinery & upon the abundance

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