Letter received by Banks from William Townsend Aiton, 1 January 1801 (Series 63.06) - No. 0002

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I have great reason to offer an apology with the intrusion of this letter.  I fear I shall by it incur your displeasure.  I have to state to you that Government in their Wisdom have thought proper to prepare without delay a Vessel of Discovery whose principal object is to explore New Holland, different Professors are to accompany this Voyage.  A Draughtsman, Astronomer Naturalist & A Gardener who is to be assistant to the last mentiond Gentleman.  This establishment is placed under the direction of Sir Joseph Banks who has written to me his opinion warmly in favor of Peter Good supposing him to be the most proper person to go in this Expedition as assistant to the Naturalist.  I have explaind to Sir Joseph how things are with Peter that he is your servant & entirely out of my interest or communication on the subject but through your favor, Sir Joseph has thereon desired me to state to you the great public advantage the service may derive from so valuable an acquisition to the Voyage as Peter Good provided this could be accomplished without inconvenience to yourself.  I can offer you in exchange a Man of equal merit in his profession & with the thorough requisites of a good Gardener & a most worthy & decent appearing Young Man he will fully compensate for the removal of Peter Good.  This case I beg to submit to you with frankness.  Your Gardener shall hear nothing of it from me if it meets your disapprobation.  Sir Joseph in preference fixd upon Peter Good for his fidelity & care to a valuable collection Store of Plants intrusted to him in a Voyage from India from which place he brought this collection of Plants for the King altho in the most

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