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minister of the French marine in May last; but what the effect of these may be, I must wait another year to be informed, - and perhaps another; for it appears, that the minister has referred the decision of my case to the council of state; otherwise perhaps, it would have been soon decided, and according to the opinions of people here, from the circumstance of general De Caen and the minister of the marine and the colonies not being upon good terms, it would have been in my favour; the justice of my cause is left out of the question.
Notwithstanding the length of delay, I do not yet, Sir Joseph, give up hopes, that so soon as the government of France shall find it - self tranquil, your efforts with the National Institute will produce effect: it is this violent national animosity, so destructive to science and every liberal principal, that has probably been the main cause of retarding it. There are now, from this island, many applications in my favour gone to members of the institute and of the council of state; and indeed, from all the respectable inhabitants with whom my circumscribed limits have permitted me to make acquaintance, I have experienced the most cordial reception, and an interest in my situation, lively beyond what I could have supposed. If friendly consolation could make up to me for the injuries I am sustaining in rank, fortune, loss of time, privation from my favourite employment, and in every thing that men sometimes term ideal happiness, I might remain contented, and become fat; but, unfortunately perhaps for me, my disposition is not of this cast; I cannot cease to regret my liberty, my country, my family, and my voyage
I sometimes fear, and it is a sickening thought, that I may be kept here until my patron, - my conductor in the road to fame, shall be no more. Where, Sir Joseph, shall I find another disinterested friend to humble exertion, under whose auspices I might be able to proceed in the career you have opened to me? No - it is not to be hoped. With out fortune