The Enragd Spectre or the Doctor in Distress a Ballad', undated (Series 86.10) - No. 0002

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Sanction how twas got
Why the Bishop passd a Faculty
no Spire on Church mortal men can tell Sir
Tho we soon both us Spires knew whence he gets
his Hermits chapel belle Sir (2) 
Woe to the chapter house, where Nepotism Reigns Sir,
Where brother can, with brother fair, in calculating gains sir
oh  &c.


Oh greif, our Lead so orthodox,
is Sold to vile dissenters,
To Roof a filthy Preaching Shop,
Where no Good churchman Enters
How, could ye treat us so, ye Preacher of Salvations
you thought not of the Devil sure & Quite forgot (1) damnation
oh &c.


if haply horrid Bonapart
Should with his Boats come here Sir
you know he does not care a Fig
for Such like Priests as ye are Sir
He'll turn ye out & Put, his Papists in your Stall sir
Then we shall be built up again on steeples one & all sir
oh &c.

To the Tune of God Save the King

Peace, Cock, the Spire it said
Why should we feel afraid
& does not great George Reign
He'l see due justice done
on those who pulld us down
Sure as he wears his crown
we shall rise again.

This is meant to referr to the many instances we heard of Rectors having with the archdeacon's licence pulld down chancels of a suitable size and replacd them by excrescences scarce less enough to hold the communion table. The true heir of the Crown usurpd by Stephen.  She
(a) Maud daughter of Hen lst. afterwards Empress was very much at Lincoln both before she was married & afterwards.

(1) The Spire certainly learnd the language in the Methodist meeting house.

(2) One of the Bishops Chaplains the Rector of a Parish near his Seat at Riby Took away one of the bells of his church without the consent or knowledge of his Parishioners & hung in the mock Chapel of a Hermitage in the Bishops Garden, where it had hung more than two years when this note was written without any Faculty having been yet passd [indecipherable] removal.




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