Memorandum headed 'Horncastle', undated (Series 90.59) - No. 0001

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                                           Horncastle                        1803

The Proprietors of the navigation behave [indecipherable] attempting to make their neighbors wilson & gillies Contractors for cutting the River do more than by contract they aught
They call upon them to  pay for the [indecipherable] creatd when Fulsby mill blew up - The Proprietors connected with a River capable of carrying up all the materials usd by the contractors, this they are [indecipherable] at their expence & preserve during  the continuance of the contract
NB  The proprietors Receivd a large sum for [indecipherable] during the time their [navigation?] was maintained only by this dam
[They?] viewd the River in [indecipherable] & insists upon the the contractors altering several  things which their Surveys had  Passed which might have been alterd at a small expence when the Laborors workmen & materials were at work at the place but could cost more when the [indecipherable] found fault and they stopd their payments
They calld upon the Contractors to make at their expence two drainage culverts which were never thought of when the contract was made
They have [indecipherable] Horncastle mill 6 inches at least the the Fall is more than 60 feet to save cutting in the Last reach
Like a little Borough Town they are in the [indecipherable]  their best benefactor but thank god they have no means of [Plouging?] & I have ten thousand means of Plauging them
Whatever [Tolls?] were receivd during the time the River was next up by the dam were found by the effect if that dam  had not the Contractors put up a dam the Company must have done it or Lost all their [Tolls?] till they did 

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