Memoranda and invoices headed 'Heiffers' [sic], 1793-1798 (Series 91.28) - No. 0010

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[indecipherable] Gorge Panton 1797

Brought over 

   13. 4. 4
at Dalton eight pecks of Beans    0.16. 0
at Spaldon 200 Cakes    0.18. 0
at Peterburgh 100 Cakes    0.10. 0
at Eaton, eight pecks of Beans    0.16. 0
at Sutterton one stone of flour    0. 2. 0
Turnpikes    0. 1. 6
     3. 3. 6
Groat of  16. 7.10
Heiffers at Knightsbridge, London    2.11.6
Board wages    2. 0. 0
Coach    1. 3. 0
Coming home    0. 5. 0
  £22. 7. 4

Settled all these Accounts and received the money from Revd. Ed Walls (viz) £22.7.4.  As Witness our Hands this 29th Day of January 1798

Ed Walls
George Panton


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