Memoranda and invoices headed 'Heiffers' [sic], 1793-1798 (Series 91.28) - No. 0004

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Attendance, Corn and Oil Cakes for the Heifers from 18th of November 1793 - 

March 7 17 2rs and 1 Bushel of Oats at 23s p. 2r. £  s  d
20. 1. 6
June 1 9 l. of Oil Cakes (bought at various times)  4.19. 0
  Car. and Porterage for Oil Cakes  0.12.11
  A Boy 28 weeks from May 12th to November 22nd at 3s p. Week  4. 4. 0
Jany. 26
42rs. & a sack of Oats at 24s p. 2r.  5. 8. 0
May 12 A Boy 24 Weeks and 2 days to the 12th of May  3.14. 0
June 7 8 2rs and a sack of Oats at 24s. p. 2r. 10. 4. 0
Augst. 6 4 2rs of Oats at 18s. p. 2r.  3.12. 0
Sepr. 22nd 3 2rs of Oats at 16s. p. 2r.  2. 8. 0
  Farriers Attendance & Medicines  0. 3. 6
Octr. 13 15 L. of Oil Cakes  6.15. 5
  A Boy 22 Weeks to 13th of Octr.  3. 3. 0
1797 Carriage from Boston to Spilsby of ½ Ton of Oil Cakes  0.10. 0
    65.15. 1


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