Letter received by Banks from John Thomas Bell, 9 November1794 (Series 91.13) - No. 0001

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Dear Sir 

The Judges and Great Officers of State meet on Tuesday next (being the Morrow of St. Martin) in the Exchequer Chamber to Nominate three Gentlemen for the Sheriffalty of Lincolnshire; May I presume so far upon the Favors I have already received to request you to interest yourself in my behalf with such of those Gentlemen who shall be known to you towards my appointment as Undersheriff for the ensuing Year - I have directed my Agent to give you the earliest information of the Names of the Gentlemen Nominated & have the Honor to remain

Dear Sir
Your real obliged Hble Servt.

J: T: Bell

Lincoln 9th. Nov.r 1794


Dear Sir

the whole of your Conduct during the time you have served the office of undersheriff for me has been such as to empower you to demand from me a recommendation not as a favour but as a right you may be therefore assured that I shall with the utmost readiness exert every influence in my power in your Favor as sure as I know the names of the persons who will be this day nominated as in the Exchequer Chamber 

Nov.r 11.

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