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Lincoln Castle 14.th August 1794
The Right Honorable Sir Archibald Macdonald
Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer
May it please your Lordship
The humble Petition of William Harrison late of Crowland in the County of Lincoln, but now a Prisoner in Lincoln Castle
That your Lordships Petitioner has been confined here more than two Years at the Suit of his own Mother, who detains him on no other account but that She may deprive him of a certain Property left him by the Will of his Uncle, on which account your Petitioner has hitherto remained an inflexible Prisoner being determined to suffer every indignity rather than relinquish his right.
That your Lordships Petitioner is by no means obstinate but on the contrary is perfectly willing, provided another receiver be appointed, to settle every thing amicably with his discontented relatives but unless Justice is done to your Lordships Petitioner in this Cause he has not wherewithall to support himself in confinement nor has he any one to administer to his distress.
That as your Lordship presided in Court at the last hearing of his Cause, in Consequence whereof he humbly flatters himself that your Lordship may have the humanity to bring it to a Period or at least cause Justice to be done to a very unfortunate sufferer.
That your Lordships Petitioner expects to receive the benefit of the Insolvent Act on Thursday next but thinks it hard to be deprived of his property if your Lordship wou'd [would] have the humanity to render him any service he will as in duty bound ever Pray &c.
[signature of] W.m Harrison