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5th. The Ground of his Coin is smooth, & of a bright Polish.
6th & lastly. Much greater Quantities of Money with all these perfections may be coined in less time, with fewer Persons, & with more exactness & ease to those employed, than by any mode hitherto invented.
The above Six properties of Coin are peculiar to Mr. Boulton; having never been attained in any Mint in Europe nor being attainable by any coining Machine but his.
How far he has succeeded in these Views may be judged of in some degree by the Specimens inclosed which are however considerably inferior in Execution to the Dies actually intended for Coin, which he did not think proper to use even for Specimens, until he had received the Sanction of Government.
The enclosed Pieces were struck from Dies engraved by a first rate Artist 16 Months ago, who had never seen His Majesty, but who is now preparing a more perfect likeness, as well as superior Engravings.
Given to me by Mr. Bolton June 26 1789