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Providence St. Helena
Decr. 24th 1792
Sir Joseph
During the short time we have been here the Collection of Breadfruit and other plants has received much benefit from the fine Air which constantly blows off the Land. Mr. Portius the Botanist had made every necessary preparation to receive the Portion of Plants you have been pleased to assign them; and we thought it our duty to give you an account of the Plants left and collected at this Place; we have left 11 fine healthy Breadfruit Plants, one of them very large, besides 12 others in a sickly state, some of which will most probably recover; altho' they would have all certainly died before we arrived at St. Vincent.
5 Ayyahs, 4 Rattahs, 2 Avees, 1 Mattee, 4 Etbows [Ettows] and 2 Peeah of the Timor Plants are left 4 seedling Nanches or Jacks, 2 Mango's, 2 Jambo mare, 4 Jambo armarvah, 2 Long Pepper, 2 Black Pepper, 2 Penang, or Beetlenut, 1 Lemon China, 1 Bughna Kanana a perfume, making in the whole 61 Plants; besides a Portion of two Species of Mountain Rice, and Seeds of the Avee, Rattah, Candle Tree or Tootoo, Ettow, Mango and Peeah -- We have collected 3 large Plants of the Fern Tree and fill'd