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until the moist weather began, as I find it a very difficult matter to preserve the plants from the mountains and other interior parts of this Island in pots or indeed in any part of the Garden for any length of time there being such a great difference in the soil and atmosphere.. However it was a happy disappointment to me, as by future Opportunitys those plants can be sent. which were not ready for the Providence. Hurry & confusion prevented me from keeping an exact list of the plants, or properly discriminating them all, but I did the best I could. and there are on board I believe above 400 pots.
I judged it best to put names or distinguishing marks to all those time permitted me, in preference to numbers as it will prevent any mistake at Jamaica by sending from there the same individuals, and will also be a guide to the two young men, in particularly attending to the most valuable & curious. I desired them to pull no weed or superfluous plant from the pots during the Voyage, unless the intended plant was in danger as by that means an addition may be made, particularly in the [indecipherable].
I was very happy in learning from Captain Bligh that there is a great similarity between the Island St Vincent & Otaheite. as to size, structure seasons & atmosphere - nor do I think there is great difference in the Soil nor have I doubt of the major part of the Otaheite plants doing well 300 of the Bread fruit are prospering - I hope as soon as convenient you will give me orders what to do with them, whether they are all to remain here for a time or part of them immediatly sent to the difft Islands, in my oppinion a few should be sent to each Island, to those Gentlemen who can be depended upon, for requisite attentions to them - as accidents may happen