Memorandum concerning Solomon Reading written by Banks, 10January 1791 (Series 76.06) - No. 0001

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                                             Soho Square Jan 10 1791

   These are to Certify to all whom it may concern that Solomon
Redding the Bearer of this late of H.M. ship alligator servd his Majesty as a  seaman on board the H.M. Bark the Endeavor Brig Lieut James Cook Commander on a voyage round the world in the years 1768 1769 1770. 1771. & that he behavd himself during the course of that voyage with diligence & sobriorty in testimony of which & in order to enable him to get employment as a seaman I have hereunto affixd my hand & seal this 10th. day of Jan 1791.

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