State Library of NSW
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direction nearly due East & West, & that the accounts I have receivd of this Earthquake have been derivd principally from persons whose Houses were situated near it. The Revd Mr. Trevor Prebend of the Cathedral whose account I have above describd & Mr. Broster Bookseller & Lt. Levett of the Royal Navy had their habitations in the direction of the Canal, & were much disturbd by it. The latter had frequently felt similar shocks the West Indies, & being instantly aware of it, jumpd out of Bed & opend the Window, & describes the State of the Atmosphere at the time to have been unusually black & calm, & at the instant of the Shock he felt an uncommon degree of Warmth in the air, something similar to that of Steam. He was affected by the tremulous sensation, exactly in the same Degree as Mr. Prebend Trevor & he compares the affection to a slight electrical shock. Being on my journey & consequently without a Barometer I can give no account of its variations either antecedent or subsequent to this Phenomenon but Mr. Tavo the only Optician in the place informs me that the Mercury has been rising ever since Saturday, that the Earthquake caused no interruption whatever to its ascent, which still continues, tho the Rain has been falling very violently throughout the day. A pocket Thermometer I have with me rose yesterday (the day of the Earthquake) as high as 63 in the Shade. It was close & sultry throughout the day, the Winds light & variable blowing alternately from every point of the compass, but more particularly from the North East & South East. I particularly remarkd the variableness in the Winds after the Earthquake in March 1800 & Lt Levett informd me that he remarkd it yesterday, & that in the West Indies it is the constant forerunner & attendant of the Hurricanes. From the Walls of the Town, I observd during the day (yesterday) a considerable collection of Electric Clouds in the SW quarter with every
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