Copy of a letter received by John Pitt, Lord Chatham, from Banks, 5 January 1795 (Series 48.02) - No. 0001

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My Lord

it was not till this day that I have Learnd that your Lordship has been ill in London & had been informd that you had gone to Bath   had I know it my enquiries would not have been omitted your Lordships health is of too much consequence to the Community for your friends to be at any period indifferent about it

I trust your Lordship will excuse the trouble I propose to you of Revising the annexd Paper  I Should not have presented it to you had I not Felt my character in some degree involvd in the Charge brought against Capt Bligh as being the Person who recommended him to the admiralty

Jan 5. 95                                Novr 20 - 1845

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