Letter received by Captain Molesworth Phillips from ReverendWilliam Howell, 25 November 1792 (Series 48.01) - No. 0001

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Dear Phillips

          I should have taken much pleasure in complying with your request - had not Morrisons narrative been at present in the Isle of Wight - I shall have it in the course of a few days and will then sent it to any place you may wish - It is very natural for Sr Joseph Banks not to think so unfavorable of Bligh as you or I may - there was a time when no one could have an higher opinion of an officer than I had of him - so many circumstances however have arizen up against him attended with, such, striking marks of veracity that I have been compelled to change that idea of him into one of a very contrary nature - Morrison is getting very forward with his publication which will be ready for the press in

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