State Library of NSW
[Page 4]
Lee 353 Lewis 355 [Ljungh?] x 361 Liverpore (Ld) X B 371 De Lent x 385 Lyssons (Sam) 387 Lyssons (Jess) 395 Macdonald (Capt) 411 Macie 419 Merkelyne 420 Metra 437 Mason Meiness (Prof) x 441 Menzies Mungo Park Mills X 445 Murray Mylne 447 Nicol 459 North Noren x Paterson 463 Pourret (l'abbé) x 465 Price Pryce 471 Rennell 475 Rochester Robson 487 Rose ([Coudritor?]) Reemford (Count) 489 Salisbury 517 Schlenburgh 519 Schmeisser 523 Seward 527 Smith [able?] 535 Smythe 545 Somerville Ld 549 Strange 553 Swartz x 555 Symmons 557 Tathers (Col) 561 [Thunberg?] x 563 Titsingh 567 Trappe x 573 Trail (archbp.) x 587 Vella X 589 Watt 605 Wedel / arbough (Count) 610 Weibeking 617 Wildenow 627 Willis 629 Yonge (Sir Geo) 631
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